UN OKs Islamic Text Against Defamation
(too old to reply)
2008-03-31 00:06:23 UTC
This time the potential affront is a film made by
right-wing Dutch politician Geert Wilders, in which
he denounces Islam's Koran as a "fascist" book
that "incites people to murder." Rumors put out
by the Wilders camp suggest he burns a copy of
the Koran in the film.
Both cartoon(s) and film are clearly crass and self-
serving exercises that pay lip service to the idea of
freedom of speech while being little more than
vehicles for xenophobia.
Question: Is denouncing NAZI literature as
"fascist" and "inciting people to murder" ...
"clearly crass and self-serving exercises that
pay lip service to the idea of freedom of
speech while being little more than vehicles
for xenophobia?"

Surely the Answer must be that such a
denunciation is either true or false, and
therefore worthy or worthless.

Well, while Hitler could be held responsible for
the murders of up to 65 million human beings,
there are some places in India ALONE where
up to 35 million souls were butchered under
the sanctions of The Koran. The toll of the
Islamic genocide is in the hundreds of millions
of human beings and it is still ongoing with no
end in sight (and that doesn't even begin to take
into consideration the countless civilizations,
including all the Christian ones which once
thrived in and around the fertile crescent, that
were utterly obliterated by Islam... leaving
behind the monstrous ruin and despair you see
today everywhere in the Muslim world there).
Butchery and murder are the school agenda of
most Islamic children and the teachings of hate
never end across the lifetimes of Muslims the
world over... with the possible exception only
of those who have not been converted to Islam
long enough to have yet lost the values of their
previous "human" cultures (as in Thailand, in
Malaysia, in Indonesia, etc.)

VISIT THOU: http://islamisbad.com

Is it possible to libel Mohammed? Could anything
bad enough or objectionable enough ever be said
of this incomprehensibly reprehensible creep which
he himself did not surpass many, many, many
times over with his own vile criminal behavior and
unimaginable personal degradation... as recorded
by his own proud Islamic biographers? VISIT THOU:


Just today the UN OKed Islamic Text
Against Defamation ...
The document, which was put forward
by the Organization of the Islamic
Conference, "expresses deep concern
at attempts to identify Islam with
terrorism, violence and human rights
Perhaps those who are trying to "defame"
Islam should simply cite the Koran:

1. [3.151] We will cast terror into the
hearts of those who disbelieve ...

1. [8.12] When your Lord revealed to
the angels: I am with you, therefore
make firm those who believe. I will cast
terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them.
The resolution "urges states to take
actions to prohibit the dissemination ...
of racist and xenophobic ideas" and
material that would incite to religious
Oh, I'm sorry, if what the Islamic resolution
is after is to ban the Koran, then, by all
means, I for one am all for it:

The Koran is a viciously cynical, unrelentingly
martial instructionaire for the conquest and
subjugation of the human race by any and all
means... including encouraging rape & pillage
by the conquerors if they live, and, if they die
in the cause of this immoral conquest, heavenly
rewards which only a monstrous Satan would
provide its most loyal/depraved demons in Hell.

No, it is religion(s) that should be banned.

It is time for humanity to purge itself from
pernicious and (mostly) vile superstitions
which are not only dragging down our very
humanity but destroying our morality with
hate-mongering and a corrupting fight
against democracy and human rights.

We should pass a universal world-wide law
which states categorically that "things are
either real OR unreal," and that anyone
caught trying to make anyone believe that
a thing unreal IS real is committing a self-
evident fraud (punishable by substantial
prison time).

Yes, it's going to be tough because, frankly,
we are monkeys. And, who among us has
not argued over the living room coffee table
with someone about whether there is or
there isn't a coffee table in the damn living
room? But, it's a struggle to save lives and
to perhaps even push mankind into
progressing far enough ahead that we may
survive the next extinction-causing asteroid
that is inevitably coming our way.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
2008-03-31 10:12:29 UTC
We should pass a universal world-wide law which states categorically
that "things are either real OR unreal," and that anyone caught trying
to make anyone believe that a thing unreal IS real is committing a self-
evident fraud (punishable by substantial prison time).
....frankly, we are monkeys..
Verily thou art a monkey and whosoever denies themselves as such will be
cast into prison. For a all things are either real or unreal unto me.
The toll of the Islamic genocide is in the hundreds of millions
the monstrous ruin and despair you see today everywhere in the Muslim
Butchery and murder are the school agenda of most Islamic children
Believeth not so ye shall enter prison.
Thus say I.
