2010-08-22 07:56:09 UTC
Muslims Demand Islamic School Holidays
in New York City...
I say give Muslims the holidays they want;
and honor their faith by letting them chop
off the heads of a few non-Muslims as
commanded in the Koran. Maybe lop off
a few infidel hands as well. Encourage
Muslim children to rape their victims'
women (and boys), and to steal all the
non-Muslims they slaughtered once owned
--again, as explicitly commanded in the
Koran by Allah Himself. Otherwise, let's
not insult Muslims by pretending that
their "religion" is anything bearing any
resemblance to any of the genuine religions
of the civilized modern world:
I don't believe there's any religion today
except Islam in which killing someone is
the one thing which can guarantee the
killer goes directly to the bosom of God
no questions asked, although I could be
wrong--The ancient Aztecs also butchered
those not of their religion (cutting the
hearts out of their living victims) as part
of their faith. Although the Aztecs didn't
rape their victims' women (or boys) or
steal their properties as an act of religious
faith like Muslims. In fact, if I remember
correctly, the corpses of the victims of
the Aztecs were then used to feed the
less fortunate in Aztec society--certainly
a lot less wasteful a practice than the
Muslims' (who merely leave their victims'
corpses to be eaten by wild animals).
But Aztec butchery is not a modern
religious practice anywhere in the world,
of course, while Islamic butchery, on
the other hand, still is... everywhere not
protected by Western cops & armies.
In any case, Islamic suicide bombers and
other Muslim mass murderers all commit
their butchery as a religious duty--unlike,
say, an American soldier who may jump
on a grenade to save his buddies (he is not
expecting any religious reward whatever
for his ultimate sacrifice): Before going out
to commit mass murder, Muslim suicide
bombers have been known to wrap their
penes in satin so these may be protected
in the explosions they cause and can thus
"arrive in Paradise" ready to be used on
their allotment of 72 virgins undamaged.
Part of this planet earth lives under the real
"God of Light" (of "enlightenment," of wisdom,
of Moses, Jesus, of Isaac, & Israel)... and part
lives under the god of Perdition (of Hell, of
the infernal regions of the Dark). And it's all
too often too easy for Lucifer (who, as you
can see, cynically styles himself "The God of
Light") to confuse people. But let's understand
this: One god drags you to Perdition against
your will, and one God would like to see you
choose the Right Path of your own free will:
This is why the Muslims' cult is called "Submit"
(the English translation of the word "Islam").
Do you still doubt who Allah is? Then take
this question into consideration: "Can one
sin in Heaven?" Say you manage to reach
Heaven, God is walking by, and you spit on
Him. What do you think would happen? If
you believe you would have sinned and
must be sent to Hell then you are evidently
NOT a Muslim, because Muslims believe
one cannot sin in Paradise (Heaven). And
now you understand how Muslims may
rape 72 virgins in "Paradise" with complete
impunity. Coincidentally, Christians, on
the other hand, believe that one cannot sin
in Hell (in fact, Christians believe that the
more evil one does in Hell the more one is
rewarded by "the god of hell")... and that
the most sinful of all the inhabitants of Hell,
in fact, those who go the extra mile and
like to torture their fellow captives: become
Satan's little helpers (otherwise known as
his demons). And now you too understand
who Allah is, no matter what he may be
called up here on earth by his Muslims.
Ya know, a lot of people (under-educated
Americans mostly) are under the mistaken
impression that Islamic terrorism and mass
butchery is a post-World War II phenomenon
invented by Osama bin Laden or somebody
(whom they all also believe is the ONLY bad
Muslim who ever lived). But, actually, even
including the Armenian and Kashmiri and
African Islamic genocides (and so many,
many others)... today's Islamic genocides
can't even begin to compare with the truly
spectacular ones which history has been
recording since the time of Mohammed:
In spite of what you might imagine, we are
actually living in a time in history when there
is rather a nice absence of Islamic genocide
and mass murder (there was one particularly
infamous Muslim ruler in India hundreds of
years ago who used to "celebrate" his birthday
every year by slaughtering ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND Hindus. Yes... every single year
--I mean, if such a thing were to happen
even once today it'd probably make all the
papers (although Islam itself would probably
not be condemned for it by President Obama
and others like him... even though that
infamous Islamic ruler I mentioned before
performed his "little" celebratory genocides
strictly as an Islamic duty fully sanctioned
and encouraged by his Islamic imams and
religious scholars). This was also the case
with the Armenian Genocide, of course,
where peasant Turks (some of whom can
be seen testifying to this fact on filmed
documentaries) were encouraged to kill
fleeing Armenian refugees, to rape their
women, and sons, and to steal all their
properties/possessions by Turkish imams
quite correctly interpreting the Koran. Of
course, not all Nazis were evil (millions
of Germans voted FOR Hitler... there must
have been very nice people among them
just like so many people today say there
are very nice Muslims here & there); and
yet for some unexplainable reason which
forever eludes me, unlike Islam (where
the evil Muslims do in the name of Islam
is NEVER blamed on Islam itself, despite
the everywhere-available & unequivocally
evil Koran), Nazism IS blamed for the evil
that Nazis did...!! A most puzzling thing!
I certainly can't explain it. Can you?
Yep: Throw in a bit of comparative religion
studies too--It could all be very instructive
indeed. [Why don't we see Muslims chopping
non-Muslims' heads all over Manhattan? (For
instance.) That is a very good question, which
could also be addressed in class during show-
and-tell: Does antendency in them to marry
1st cousins.] Oh, well... This really isn't the
venue for that biology lesson. Class dismissed.
S D Rodrian
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
bv <***> wrote:
You do not know about Islam !.....
If you want to know about Islam,
please visit the following websites:
Yes, nice sites. However, I see that you
could not refute anything I said; and for
your brave acknowledgement that I
spoke the truth about Islam: I thank you.
I do know about Islam. Too much, in fact.
And I certainly don't have to visit Islamic
propaganda sites to pick up lies. (I listen
to enough speeches by politicians as it is.)
One can start ferreting out a little of THE
TRUTH about the horrors of Islam here:
And that's just a little bit of the truth.
The whole horrific and gory truth about
Islam can be found in the careful reading
of history and/or the world's present-day
I advice you to do it, to save yourself
and your family: Please do study Islam
(just not from Islamist propagandists).
The Koran orders Muslims to lie, lie, lie.
In fact, it advises Muslims to hide the
Koran from non-Muslims because they
(non-Muslims) might eventually come to
grasp that it's really a master plan for
their conquest or obliteration... in spite
of all the tonnes & tonnes of propaganda
telling them it's some sort of "religion."
I guess the Koran never foresaw the net.
Let the sad tragic true story of all the once
glittering civilizations of the ancient world
which have been swallowed up by Islam and
spat up into the present-day devastation
that is the Muslim World today serve as a
terrible warning to you & your children...
S D Rodrian
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
... Mosques and Islam 'not going away'
That's quite true: They had to be stopped
once by all the military might that Europe
could muster. What I see happening in
Europe now, I'm sorry to say, is what must
have happened in the once Christian 'fertile
crescent' civilizations of the Middle East:
Places that were perhaps too powerful for
Islam to confront head-on were gradually
strangled by Muslim immigration until one
day the peoples of the Middle East woke up
to discovered that they had been taken
over by Islam... body & soul.
I don't see the will in Europe (or America)
today for standing up against this gradual
strangulation by Islam. Therefore I must
regretfully conclude that it's only a matter
of time before all of Western Civilization
is consumed by sharia and goes the way of
the ancient Christian civilizations that once
thrived in what is now the unending Islamic
slum of the Middle East.
The only good thing in all this is that
I am an old man, and I will not have to
watch the incalculable treasures of my
Western Civilization [of art, philosophy,
poetry, music, science, of democracy...
and that free exercise of will that has
produced such unparalleled human
achievements] all, all being burned to
oblivion for their imagined affront to
some stupid desert god (by the frenzied
shamans of a sadistic cult) in bonfires
of their incomprehensible superstition.
S D Rodrian
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
On Aug 19, 10:43 am, jc
never read the Bible: In the Bible God
commands the Hebrews to perform some
heinous actions indeed; but God never
commands them to be heinous forever.
The Koran, on the other hand, commands
Muslims to be butchers, murderers, rapists,
and thieves then, now, and forever. That's
the whole problem right there, you see.
[Or probably not.] But... that's why the
peoples of the Bible have "gotten over it"
and why the Muslims have been heinous
ever since Mohammed taught them to be
as heinous as himself, with no end in sight.
S D Rodrian
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
in New York City...
I say give Muslims the holidays they want;
and honor their faith by letting them chop
off the heads of a few non-Muslims as
commanded in the Koran. Maybe lop off
a few infidel hands as well. Encourage
Muslim children to rape their victims'
women (and boys), and to steal all the
non-Muslims they slaughtered once owned
--again, as explicitly commanded in the
Koran by Allah Himself. Otherwise, let's
not insult Muslims by pretending that
their "religion" is anything bearing any
resemblance to any of the genuine religions
of the civilized modern world:
I don't believe there's any religion today
except Islam in which killing someone is
the one thing which can guarantee the
killer goes directly to the bosom of God
no questions asked, although I could be
wrong--The ancient Aztecs also butchered
those not of their religion (cutting the
hearts out of their living victims) as part
of their faith. Although the Aztecs didn't
rape their victims' women (or boys) or
steal their properties as an act of religious
faith like Muslims. In fact, if I remember
correctly, the corpses of the victims of
the Aztecs were then used to feed the
less fortunate in Aztec society--certainly
a lot less wasteful a practice than the
Muslims' (who merely leave their victims'
corpses to be eaten by wild animals).
But Aztec butchery is not a modern
religious practice anywhere in the world,
of course, while Islamic butchery, on
the other hand, still is... everywhere not
protected by Western cops & armies.
In any case, Islamic suicide bombers and
other Muslim mass murderers all commit
their butchery as a religious duty--unlike,
say, an American soldier who may jump
on a grenade to save his buddies (he is not
expecting any religious reward whatever
for his ultimate sacrifice): Before going out
to commit mass murder, Muslim suicide
bombers have been known to wrap their
penes in satin so these may be protected
in the explosions they cause and can thus
"arrive in Paradise" ready to be used on
their allotment of 72 virgins undamaged.
Part of this planet earth lives under the real
"God of Light" (of "enlightenment," of wisdom,
of Moses, Jesus, of Isaac, & Israel)... and part
lives under the god of Perdition (of Hell, of
the infernal regions of the Dark). And it's all
too often too easy for Lucifer (who, as you
can see, cynically styles himself "The God of
Light") to confuse people. But let's understand
this: One god drags you to Perdition against
your will, and one God would like to see you
choose the Right Path of your own free will:
This is why the Muslims' cult is called "Submit"
(the English translation of the word "Islam").
Do you still doubt who Allah is? Then take
this question into consideration: "Can one
sin in Heaven?" Say you manage to reach
Heaven, God is walking by, and you spit on
Him. What do you think would happen? If
you believe you would have sinned and
must be sent to Hell then you are evidently
NOT a Muslim, because Muslims believe
one cannot sin in Paradise (Heaven). And
now you understand how Muslims may
rape 72 virgins in "Paradise" with complete
impunity. Coincidentally, Christians, on
the other hand, believe that one cannot sin
in Hell (in fact, Christians believe that the
more evil one does in Hell the more one is
rewarded by "the god of hell")... and that
the most sinful of all the inhabitants of Hell,
in fact, those who go the extra mile and
like to torture their fellow captives: become
Satan's little helpers (otherwise known as
his demons). And now you too understand
who Allah is, no matter what he may be
called up here on earth by his Muslims.
Ya know, a lot of people (under-educated
Americans mostly) are under the mistaken
impression that Islamic terrorism and mass
butchery is a post-World War II phenomenon
invented by Osama bin Laden or somebody
(whom they all also believe is the ONLY bad
Muslim who ever lived). But, actually, even
including the Armenian and Kashmiri and
African Islamic genocides (and so many,
many others)... today's Islamic genocides
can't even begin to compare with the truly
spectacular ones which history has been
recording since the time of Mohammed:
In spite of what you might imagine, we are
actually living in a time in history when there
is rather a nice absence of Islamic genocide
and mass murder (there was one particularly
infamous Muslim ruler in India hundreds of
years ago who used to "celebrate" his birthday
every year by slaughtering ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND Hindus. Yes... every single year
--I mean, if such a thing were to happen
even once today it'd probably make all the
papers (although Islam itself would probably
not be condemned for it by President Obama
and others like him... even though that
infamous Islamic ruler I mentioned before
performed his "little" celebratory genocides
strictly as an Islamic duty fully sanctioned
and encouraged by his Islamic imams and
religious scholars). This was also the case
with the Armenian Genocide, of course,
where peasant Turks (some of whom can
be seen testifying to this fact on filmed
documentaries) were encouraged to kill
fleeing Armenian refugees, to rape their
women, and sons, and to steal all their
properties/possessions by Turkish imams
quite correctly interpreting the Koran. Of
course, not all Nazis were evil (millions
of Germans voted FOR Hitler... there must
have been very nice people among them
just like so many people today say there
are very nice Muslims here & there); and
yet for some unexplainable reason which
forever eludes me, unlike Islam (where
the evil Muslims do in the name of Islam
is NEVER blamed on Islam itself, despite
the everywhere-available & unequivocally
evil Koran), Nazism IS blamed for the evil
that Nazis did...!! A most puzzling thing!
I certainly can't explain it. Can you?
Yep: Throw in a bit of comparative religion
studies too--It could all be very instructive
indeed. [Why don't we see Muslims chopping
non-Muslims' heads all over Manhattan? (For
instance.) That is a very good question, which
could also be addressed in class during show-
and-tell: Does antendency in them to marry
1st cousins.] Oh, well... This really isn't the
venue for that biology lesson. Class dismissed.
S D Rodrian
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
bv <***> wrote:
You do not know about Islam !.....
If you want to know about Islam,
please visit the following websites:
Yes, nice sites. However, I see that you
could not refute anything I said; and for
your brave acknowledgement that I
spoke the truth about Islam: I thank you.
I do know about Islam. Too much, in fact.
And I certainly don't have to visit Islamic
propaganda sites to pick up lies. (I listen
to enough speeches by politicians as it is.)
One can start ferreting out a little of THE
TRUTH about the horrors of Islam here:
And that's just a little bit of the truth.
The whole horrific and gory truth about
Islam can be found in the careful reading
of history and/or the world's present-day
I advice you to do it, to save yourself
and your family: Please do study Islam
(just not from Islamist propagandists).
The Koran orders Muslims to lie, lie, lie.
In fact, it advises Muslims to hide the
Koran from non-Muslims because they
(non-Muslims) might eventually come to
grasp that it's really a master plan for
their conquest or obliteration... in spite
of all the tonnes & tonnes of propaganda
telling them it's some sort of "religion."
I guess the Koran never foresaw the net.
Let the sad tragic true story of all the once
glittering civilizations of the ancient world
which have been swallowed up by Islam and
spat up into the present-day devastation
that is the Muslim World today serve as a
terrible warning to you & your children...
S D Rodrian
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
... Mosques and Islam 'not going away'
That's quite true: They had to be stopped
once by all the military might that Europe
could muster. What I see happening in
Europe now, I'm sorry to say, is what must
have happened in the once Christian 'fertile
crescent' civilizations of the Middle East:
Places that were perhaps too powerful for
Islam to confront head-on were gradually
strangled by Muslim immigration until one
day the peoples of the Middle East woke up
to discovered that they had been taken
over by Islam... body & soul.
I don't see the will in Europe (or America)
today for standing up against this gradual
strangulation by Islam. Therefore I must
regretfully conclude that it's only a matter
of time before all of Western Civilization
is consumed by sharia and goes the way of
the ancient Christian civilizations that once
thrived in what is now the unending Islamic
slum of the Middle East.
The only good thing in all this is that
I am an old man, and I will not have to
watch the incalculable treasures of my
Western Civilization [of art, philosophy,
poetry, music, science, of democracy...
and that free exercise of will that has
produced such unparalleled human
achievements] all, all being burned to
oblivion for their imagined affront to
some stupid desert god (by the frenzied
shamans of a sadistic cult) in bonfires
of their incomprehensible superstition.
S D Rodrian
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
On Aug 19, 10:43 am, jc
You've apparently never read the Bible,
have you?
Where do you want me to start? Killing?
Rape? Murder of infidels?
I'm afraid it is you who has self-evidentlyhave you?
Where do you want me to start? Killing?
Rape? Murder of infidels?
never read the Bible: In the Bible God
commands the Hebrews to perform some
heinous actions indeed; but God never
commands them to be heinous forever.
The Koran, on the other hand, commands
Muslims to be butchers, murderers, rapists,
and thieves then, now, and forever. That's
the whole problem right there, you see.
[Or probably not.] But... that's why the
peoples of the Bible have "gotten over it"
and why the Muslims have been heinous
ever since Mohammed taught them to be
as heinous as himself, with no end in sight.
S D Rodrian
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.