Sen. Harry Reid Found Dead On Capitol Hill
(too old to reply)
2009-12-05 04:07:40 UTC
From www.populistaggression.com

WASHINGTON (Rooters) ? United States Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid
(D-Nevada) has been declared dead today by Physician Dr. L. Macov,
following a speech given by Reid on the floor of the Senate. Reid, who
appeared surprised by the news of his death, stormed from the Capitol
Building without answering questions. A spokesperson for Senator Reid,
later released a terse statement which read in part ?The Senator is
evaluating his options at this time"

During a follow-up news conference, Dr. Macov explained that the
declaration of death was based upon a careful observation of Senator
Reid over the last several months, and not solely upon his corpse like
visage ?although that certainly was a factor in beginning our initial
investigation? Rather, he went on to say, ?After a thorough evaluation
of Senator Reid's, political positions, my colleagues and I could only
conclude that he had suffered brain death at some point in the distant
past? Dr. Macov, also stated that congressional leader, Nancy Pelosi (D-
California), as well as the President had been kept informed as to the
progress of the medical investigation Nancy Pelosi, has since denied
having been informed, and calls to her office have gone unanswered.
Reporter James Smithers from the Assimilated Press then asked about the
status of Senator Reid's political standing now that he has been
declared legally dead, to which Dr. Macov replied, ?I'm a Doctor Jim,
not a Political Scientist?

Senator Reid (1939-2009) Was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, and is survived by his wife Landra, five children,
and 15 grandchildren.
Whippy Do
2009-12-10 23:57:03 UTC
On Fri, 4 Dec 2009 20:07:40 -0800, PopulistAggression
Post by PopulistAggression
From www.populistaggression.com
WASHINGTON (Rooters) ? United States Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid
(D-Nevada) has been declared dead today by Physician Dr. L. Macov,
following a speech given by Reid on the floor of the Senate. Reid, who
appeared surprised by the news of his death, stormed from the Capitol
Building without answering questions. A spokesperson for Senator Reid,
Heh pretty funny :)

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