Rockefeller, Zionists and the American left, not Hitler started WWll
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Leonard Abbott
2004-07-17 15:22:34 UTC
Rockefeller, Zionists and the American left, not Hitler started WWll

There is a common belief WWll started with the envision of Poland by
Hitler in 1939. Actually the war had raged for three yrs before Hitler
invaded Poland.
Because Russia and the US were the final victors, they won the
right to revise history ,as all victors have done in the past.
WWll started with the Spanish revolution in 1936, "In an electoral
system that heavily favoured coalitions, the decision of the Socialists
to go it alone in the elections of November 1933 was a tragic error. It
gave power to a right-wing determined to dismantle the Republic's social
reforms. Employers and landowners celebrated the victory by cutting
wages, sacking workers, evicting tenants and raising rents. The largest
party, the Catholic CEDA, wasn't offered power because the Republican
president suspected its leader, Jose Maria Gil Robles, of harbouring
fascist ambitions to establish an authoritarian, corporative state.
Thus, the conservative Radical Party ruled. " (Paul Preston 1996) "In an
electoral system that heavily favoured coalitions, the decision of the
Socialists to go it alone in the elections of November 1933 was a tragic
error. It gave power to a right-wing determined to dismantle the
Republic's social reforms.
Stalin and Wall st financiers, financed several thousand lefties
volunteers, known as the ''lincoln and Washington brigades. Their
purpose was to set up a blockade to prevent Franco from invading Spain
from Morocco,

''George Washington Brigade'' Ronald Hilton - 04/19/98
The Spanish Civil War caught me in Spain doing research. I was ordered
out after the first siege of Madrid, and I left cursing both houses.
When people learn that I was in Spain during the Civil War, they ask
approvingly "Were you in the Lincoln Brigade?" A highly esteemed science
colleague recently asked me "Were you in the George Washington
Brigade?", which presumably indicated an even higher degree of
respectability. His knowledge of the Spanish Civil War came from that
simplistic account, For Whom the Bell Tolls. There are few cases of
historical misrepresentation as blatant as that concerning the Lincoln
Brigade, made up largely of Stalinists who were not fighting for
parliamentary democracy. Yet this truth is concealed. The surviving
members have been invited to Madrid and made honorary citizens.
Spaniards are so traumatized by memories of the Civil War that they
avoid the subject. Yet there are many books, mostly by non-Spaniards,
which give the facts. Georges-Roux, La Guerre Civile d'Espagne, is
excellent in bringing out the horrors, some of which I witnessed. The
extraordinary success in Spain of the Spanish edition of Paul Preston's
book about the "three Spain's of 36" is evidence that Spaniards are
still obsessed with the Civil War''
With the invasion of the Stalinists from Russia, financed by Wall st
Zionists and Rockefeller, Germany sent stuka bombers to help Franco
break the Communist blockade. Still Germany refrained from sending
troops to repulse the Stallinists financed with American wealth and
France was devided, Germany was reluctent, Itally ws the first
European Nation to try and repulse the American Russian invasion.
Br'er Rabid
2004-09-08 00:00:21 UTC
Post by Leonard Abbott
Rockefeller, Zionists and the American left, not Hitler started WWll
There is a common belief WWll started with the envision of Poland by
Hitler in 1939. Actually the war had raged for three yrs before Hitler
invaded Poland.
Nope. I don't hold the "common belief", and *certainly not your*
postulation. WWII started the day WWI ended... in that little French
train car. Read your history books and give it a little objective
thought. Beyond that, what is your point?


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Why didnt america go to war with russia before WW2?
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