Demos Suddenly Love Vietnam Vets?
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David Stinson
2004-07-11 00:58:08 UTC
...his patriotic leadership during the Vietnam War
by fearlessly guarding Texas while in Alabama - ...
Isn't it funny that the same people who were screaming
"babykiller!" at returning troops from Vietnam,
who rampaged and burned and pillaged like raped apes
demanding we get out of Vietnam,
now say that *their* guy went to 'Nam and is a "hero,"
while someone who didn't is a slacker.
And here they are, doing it again:
screaming "murderer!" at an Iraq vet because he
shot the enemy, and "hero!" to Lurch Kerry
because he shot the enemy.
The intellectual dishonesty of these vermin is without bounds.

2004-07-11 01:39:57 UTC
Post by David Stinson
...his patriotic leadership during the Vietnam War
by fearlessly guarding Texas while in Alabama - ...
Isn't it funny that the same people who were screaming
"babykiller!" at returning troops from Vietnam,
who rampaged and burned and pillaged like raped apes
demanding we get out of Vietnam,
now say that *their* guy went to 'Nam and is a "hero,"
while someone who didn't is a slacker.
Our Vietnam Vets are not responsible for their immoral war. America was.
Whoever spat and called Vietnam Vets babykillers were wrong. Just as you
NeoCons are for dissing Kerry about his protesting Vietnam after serving,
especially since most of the many of the NeoCon leadership were for the war,
yet avoided serving their country when it was their turn to do their duty.

Cheney, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, House Majority Leader Tom
Delay, House Majority Whip Roy Blunt, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist
R-TN, Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, R-KY, Attorney General John
Ashcroft, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove,
Senator Rick Santorum, R-PA, Justice Antonin Scalia, Justice Clarence
Thomas, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Rep. Dana
Rohrabacher, R-CA, George Will, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Bennett, Pat Buchanan,
Rush Limbaugh, Bill Kristol, Kenneth Starr, and Ralph Reed! Just to name a
Post by David Stinson
screaming "murderer!" at an Iraq vet because he
shot the enemy, and "hero!" to Lurch Kerry
because he shot the enemy.
A few individuals in a crowd do not represent all of the Americans that want
to restore Freedom to America.
Post by David Stinson
The intellectual dishonesty of these vermin is without bounds.
Of those that shout obscenities at our boys and girls in the military, I
wholeheartedly agree with you, as is the intellectual dishonesty of those
that didn't serve in Vietnam are for questioning Kerry's record during the
war, or his protesting the war after doing his duty, when many of them were
for the war but avoided doing their duty for their country in Vietnam.
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