Post by DougSure it's easy to hire replacement workers...scabs. But in this case there
are those unemployed laid off workers who desperately need any kind of a
job. Kroger needs to pay these loyal workers a decent wage and help out with
those health benifits. They could set aside a few million from their profit
and they wouldn't miss it at all. BTW: What do you have against someone who
works in a grocery store. You are no better than anyone else, although you'd
like us to believe you are.
No one said anything about being better, the fact of the matter is that they
do a job which doesn't require a 3rd grade education. Spend 4 years in
college or through an apprenticeship and then tell me they do skilled work.
Call me a scab, rat or whatever you like because I'll be the one with
opportunities while your union is sucking you dry for dues when you are out
there on the picket line. And Kroger does NOT have to pay anyone anything
they don't want to. In case you haven't noticed their stores are still open
for business with replacement people doing the same jobs the UFCW banana
scanners were doing. You see you think the union deserves more than
non-union workers, but the reality is that union people are no better than
anyone else either. If you think that any business making a profit should
automatically pass these profits on to their crybaby employees, then you
have no idea what it takes to run a business, the risk or benefits involved
and I can understand why you are a brainwashed follower.